
Easily manage your Organization's members and their access with Badger's intuitive member management system.

Members can be both Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs) and Smart Contracts.

Once you've created an Organization, you can start minting Badges.

Badges are ERC1155 tokens representing any credential or achievement, such as a certificate, a diploma, a badge of honor, or a membership card.

In the Badger web application, we have designed a single-approach experience that pushes all the complicated logic to the back end so that you only need to worry about the Members and the balance they hold of a Badge.

Adding New Members

🛑 Permissions required: Owner, Organization Manager or Badge Manager.

Adding new Members to your Organization is a breeze with Badger.

Membership in Organizations can often be temporary, so it's important to have a simple and quick process. Minting a Badge for a new member is straightforward and only takes a few seconds.


You can always add new Members to your Badge in the future. Don't worry about getting everyone added at once!

To add a Member:

Submitting the Member Form:

  • Ethereum Address* The address of the recipient of the Badge you are minting.

  • Balance* The target balance of the recipient.

Updating Member Balances

🛑 Permissions required: Owner, Organization Manager or Badge Manager.

Organizations are dynamic and constantly changing, so it's essential to have the flexibility to update Member balances at any time.

Managers can adjust the balance of a Badge for Members at any time, ensuring that their Badges accurately reflect their current status or achievements.

For example, a Manager may increase a Member's balance to reflect an additional certification or decrease it if they are no longer affiliated with the Organization.

To update the balance of a Member:

Submitting the Member Form:

  • Ethereum Address* The address of the recipient of the Badge you are minting.

  • Balance* The target balance of the recipient. If they already hold five and you want them to hold 10, set the value to 10.

Revoking Badges from Members

🛑 Permissions required: Owner, Organization Manager or Badge Manager.

Sometimes, you may need to remove a member from your Organization or revoke a Badge they were issued. This may be due to a membership status change or other reasons.

Whatever the reason, revoking a Badge is a straightforward process that can be done by setting the Member's Badge balance to zero.

To revoke the total balance of a single Badge for a Member:

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